Oregon Gerontological Association
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OGA Conference 2018
Portland State University - Smith Memorial Student Union
1825 SW Broadway
Portland, OR 97201
Friday, October 19, 2018, 8:00 AM - 3:45 PM PST
Category: Conferences

OGA Annual Conference 2018

"Diversity: Aging with a Purpose"

8:00am - 8:30am: Registration & Breakfast

8:30am - 8:45am: Welcome

8:45am - 9:45am: Keynote

Our keynote speaker is Fernando Torres-Gil, M.S.W., Ph.D., who will speak on the topic of his new book (to be released in September, 2018), “The Politics of a Majority-Minority Nation: Aging, Disability and Immigration.” Dr. Torres-Gil is a leading spokesperson on demographics, aging, and public policy and is Professor of Social Welfare and Public Policy at UCLA, Director of the UCLA Center for Policy Research on Aging and an Adjunct Professor of Gerontology at USC. He has written over 100 publications and six books and has an impressive portfolio of public service, having earned several presidential appointments, including to the Federal Council on Aging by President Jimmy Carter, as the first-ever U.S. Assistant Secretary for Aging, appointed by President Clinton, and as the Vice Chair of the National Council on Disability, by President Barack Obama. Dr. Torres-Gil was born and raised in Salinas, California, the son of migrant farm workers.

10:00am - 11:00 am: Panel of Elders

Dr. Torres-Gil's talk will be followed in the plenary session by a panel of diverse elders, including José Manuel Romero, a retired educator, community activist and lifelong advocate for the Chicano/Latino community, Elaine Friesen-Strang, the Volunteer State President for AARP Oregon and formerly a state director for a guardianship program service for adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities, and Tekle Sebhatu, a native of Eritrea, East Africa, who immigrated to the U.S. as a student in 1973 and became an entrepreneur and academician. The panelists will speak about their experiences and recommendations for more equity and inclusion of minority groups.

After the panel, there will be three sessions (with lunch or breaks in between) with several concurrent topics each:

11:15am - 12:15pm: Concurrent Session 1

  • Marcus Mundy (Coalition of Communities of Color), Maria Caballero-Rubio (Centro Cultural of Washington County), and Jay Bloom (Bloom Anew) – Working with Communities of Color: Research, Policies, and Practice
  • Kathleen Sullivan, Ph.D. (Governor's Commission on Senior Services) and Scott Moore, J.D. (Quest Center for Integrative Health) – Creating Safe and Welcoming Space for LGBT Mid-life and Older Adults

1:00pm - 2:00pm: Concurrent Session 2

  • Mai-Yee Yuan (Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon) and Marilou Carrera (Oregon Health Equity Alliance) – The Intersection of Older Adults, Health, Safety, and Housing in the Asian and Pacific American Community
  • John Horvick (DHM Research) – Understanding Financial Security in Communities of Color in Oregon

2:15pm - 3:15pm: Concurrent Session 3

  • Ben Duncan (Multnomah County) – Developing a Workforce Equity Strategic Plan: Lessons Learned from Multnomah County
  • Alan DeLaTorre, Ph.D (Portland State University) and Cory Bolkan, Ph.D. (Washington State University, Vancouver) – Age-Friendly Housing through an Equity Lens

3:15pm - 3:45pm: Wrap-up & Prize Drawing



An 8-11 am registration (which includes breakfast and the plenary) is possible, or a full-day registration, which includes breakfast and the plenary, the three hours of concurrent sessions, lunch, and snacks. A dedicated exhibit hall will showcase our sponsors and exhibitors and serve breakfast, lunch, and snacks.

Did you know that conference fees are significantly reduced for OGA members?

Full-Day Registration

  • Non-Member: $115
  • OGA Member: $85
  • Non-Member Student/Elder: $50
  • OGA Member Student/Elder: $30

Morning-Only Registration

  • Non-Member: $40
  • OGA Member: $30
  • Non-Member Student/Elder: $20
  • OGA Member Student/Elder: $15

Group Discount for Non-Members
Register 5 non-members for the price of 4. Please email us ([email protected]) for further instructions before registering.

Parking and Public Transportation
If you plan to arrive by car, please see PSU's Hourly & Visitor Parking information and Accessible Parking locations. For information about public transit and fares, please see PSU's Transit Options and Trimet's Trip Planner.

Contact: info@oregongero@org